Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Lamington Cupcake

Without meaning to, I've done a bit of an Australia Day theme today! Shame I'm late.

After posting the pics of Lucie's beloved tattoo, it occurred to me that I should document the Lamington cupcake. I made these for the (great) Australia Day BBQ we went to (thanks Alex & Adam!) and plan to make them a yearly thing. 

While I'd love to claim I was the first to come up with the concept, I highly doubted I was. The cupcake is hardly a new thing and nor is the lamington. A quick google just now proved this was so, and though I didn't in fact 'copy' another, this was a make up as you go thing. I probably saw one years ago and kept it in my subconscious! 

Anyway... if you want them.. 

1. Make an easy peasy basic butter cake recipe and do cupcakes.
2. Ensure you use a recipe you know, love & trust. 10pm the night before an event is NOT the time to try new ones. * See below for example of why.
2. Five minutes before they are baked, add one teaspoon of strawberry (or raspberry if you're so inclined) to the top of each (note from Jeremy: it's not a true lamington without jam) and keep on baking.
3. Leave to cool (another lesson I had).
4. Whip up your favourite chocolate butter cream or otherwise. 
5. Pipe, spread or whatever suits, your frosting/icing. I'm pretty into piping these days but do whatever you find easier/more fun. 
6. Sprinkle with coconut. Personally I think a shredded looks better
7. Place an Aussie flag in each and all done!

My super simple butter cake recipe (the one that works)

This is SO easy that I don't even cream the butter & sugar. It's a one bowl job, seriously. Very handy. Very quick.

60g butter
1 teaspoon vanilla essence 
3/4 cup caster sugar 
1 egg
3/4 cups milk
1 1/5 cups self raising flour

Makes 12 cupcakes 

* What a waste. Take one in the bin.

A warning however. 

Letting the kids near this:
May result in this:
Thanks to Lucie and her BBFFs (Will & Jack) for being such dedicated taste testers. Their fourth partner in crime, Tom, had already been carried out on a sugar high by this point). 

BBFF - (boy) best friend forever


  1. Your cupcakes are gorgeous!!! And so are you & Lucie!! I live in Colorado & have recently been diagnosed with PRS. I love your blog.

  2. Thanks Sarah & Deb.

    Deb - feel free to send any questions about PRS my way!
