Monday, February 14, 2011

Every day is Valentine's Day!

Sorry, but I'm with Pope Paul VI who deleted Valentine's Day from the official calendar of saints in 1969. To me, as it probably was to him, it's a bit of a Hallmark day. A day when the U.S.A alone spends an estimated $14.7 billion to say 'I love you' (no I didn't make that up, I read it today here and given it's an old fact, we can assume it's now more!). 

I'd like to add that I'm not totally unfeeling and CAN see how sweet it is for some. BUT I do have to say that if today is the only day you're feeling loved in your relationship, I'd be a little (or a lot) worried. I love Jeremy's words, that every day should be Valentine's Day (or is that a good way of just getting out of buying flowers???).In all seriousness, I do want flowers.. just not today!
Today got me thinking though, where did this all come from? I kind of can't believe that I don't know and wondered if I'd just missed that day in school (every year?), but then again Jeremy didn't know either when I conferred. Maybe it's an Aussie thing, but I don't think we're really taught about it. Thus I've spent some time on Google tonight. I won't bore you with my findings because they'd make a thesis. Needless to say though, it didn't compel me to want to celebrate it next year.

So while I am glad that the world is taking the opportunity to say or show how they feel today, I'd kind of rather see an African country eat for the day. Don't get me wrong, I love LOVE. I love being in love, I love it when people love. Love is great and I love that I have it. BUT, love should be every day. Not just on this one day (and not tacky as it soooo can be today).

p.s I didn't always feel this way. In 1991 my cousin Biddy and I were so jealous of the girls who had boyfriends that we decided to order each other a delivery of flowers to school! I carried them so proudly home that day. We repeated this in 1992. Thankfully by 1993 we'd acquired some common sense, and self esteem!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love all the new posts! hope you had a happy (non) valentine's day :) I know exactly what you're saying... I'm definitely on the "try to celebrate using every excuse you get" side of the fence though :) :)
