Sunday, January 23, 2011

Here goes nothing

I have wanted a blog forever. 

It's 1:26am and half an hour ago I decided it was time. I guess I couldn't sleep. Ok,it was an hour ago. It took me an hour to edit the photos in (I had no idea how). 

So, why did I start this blog? 

Reason 1 - 
I read a million and one (fabulous) blogs and feel like I'm being so nosey. That's kind of true of me given that I love to know what's going on. Truth be told, that's what I most love about blogs. It's a glimse into the lives of those who grow to love, all while being allowed to look! I love being the fly on the wall. It felt time to share something of myself too. I got sick of my comments showing a blank photo. I felt too snoopy & stalker like. 

Reason 2 - 
I want to keep a reflection. Maybe one my daughter can read one day. I know I'd sure love to have one of my own Mum, or even grandmother. 

Reason 3 - 
I feel like I've got a journey ahead of me and maybe writing about it will help. This journey involves a few tricky elements: 

1). We (that would be Jeremy & I) are trying to give Lucie, four, a sibling. Not much luck there :( More about that later. Sure it will come up.

2). Lucie has a Mum with a face that's 'different'. Even though she has no idea, the other kids will tell her soon enough. To her I'm just Mum. And in her words... 

"when you smile, you're just the same as other mums" (said after I tried to convince her that I DID have a face that was a little different).She's starting kindergarten this year and school next year and we all know that kids can be cruel. 

My approach is to be honest and open. I figure I can share through this blog. 

If you've read this, thank you. I'd love to see you again. xo

p.s - oh, and it's called Parry Romberg Syndrome :) Thought you might be wondering. 


  1. That sounds so much like why I wanted to do a blog... I love getting a glimpse into other people's lives and I want my girls to be able to read my thoughts about what we did & why we did it one day! I can't wait to learn more about you & your Lucie & your life! By the way, I happen to think you are beautiful. :)

  2. Thanks for reading, Sarah!!

    Even if you're my only one, I'm going to keep this up. At least you and I can get to know each other, right?!


  3. Hello there! My name is Shannon. I really enjoyed reading your blog! We have something in common! I have a four year old daughter named Alivia. She has parry rombergs too! Can't wait to read more soon!

  4. Hi Jen,
    So excited that you're blogging. You inspire me constantly in real life and now onling too!
    I feel so honoured to know you and be friends with you - I truly can't describe what an amazing, thoughtful, honest, generous and FUN person you are, but I love you and you're ace!!!!
    Can't wait to keep reading this blog...I've got some catching up to do!
    Go girl!
