Sunday, February 20, 2011

This week Patty taught Lucie and I to make Chinese dumplings. Yum!!! 

After moving in with my Mum recently, Patty is the newest member of our family. She is from Taiwan but she's lived in Australia for a while now and as she completes her first year as a nurse she's going to be making the most of Mum's spare room. No complaints from me, it's great having her around (especially when dumplings are involved!). 

This is just one of the many things I love about my Mum - she's always someone to take care of others in need, even when that need is a home. She even cooked a delicious roast for all of us (and three of Patty's friends!) tonight. No, Jeremy, Lucie and I don't live there too but we're not far away. 

Anyway, back to the cooking. Seriously, I had no idea dumplings were so easy. I am thrilled! We'll be making these again for sure. I'm a huge fan of any kind of Asian food but have little exposure when it comes to its authentic cooking techniques. 

First step - prepare the mix. Patty did this for us and made it look oh so easy. Follow the recipe below (just add and mix).  One tip - chop finely! If you have time it's worth doing it ahead of time. Preparing this the night before not only makes things super easy but will also allow the flavours to do their thing!

You can add pretty much anything you have in your fridge. We didn't this time, but I'm told carrot, celery or anything goes. 

Using some pre-made dumpling skins, you now simply have to construct the dumplings. It really is as easy as that. You can buy dumpling skins at any Asian grocery store.

Rather than explain the steps myself, I thought I'd let Lucie do it...


To cook the dumplings simply place in salted boiling water for about five minutes. You can also pan fry them or deep fry them of course. 

I realise that I've used the word 'simply' too many times. But really it's because they are truly that simple. More so, they are: 1) cheap to make, 2) quick and 3) healthy (we didn't fry after all). 

Yum. It was a fun lesson and something I am so happy to be able to do. Welcome to the family, Patty. Thanks for teaching us something new.

p.s - I loved hearing of experiences growing up in Taiwan. When Patty's family would go out to eat they would order 120 dumplings - 10 for her mum, 10 for her and 100 for her Dad!! I guess he was pretty hungry. 

(serve with coriander and dumpling dipping sauce)

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