Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Those who know me will know that I LOVE to bake cookies. I've been baking them since I was 12 and am always trying to find the perfect cookie recipe. Eating some of them has no doubt contributed to why I HAD to spent 45 minutes at the gym today, as I did yesterday, and will do tomorrow (and then some). 

So while it's a fun hobby it's not the best one for you. My strategy over the last couple of years is to only ever bake when they're to leave this house, be it for a play date or to give away. In other words, best to be sure there is recipient for the cookies before I end up eating them myself (or Jeremy too, he's not one to say no to a cookie, or three).

Today's version I'll call the 'Cinnamon, maple, milk chocolate chip cookie'.

Here goes... 

Ok, it might seem a bit dorky to lay all of the ingredients out and while it might seem I did so for the purpose of this blog, it's actually quite authentic! It's a habit I got into a months back when I was halfway through a batch only to find that I didn't have any flour. I was home alone with a sleeping Lucie and it was too late to call on our neighbours (I am a late night baker). Needless to say the recipe failed after I'd left a half made cookie mix to sit for so long. 

Thankfully I do now have a neighbour who I can (and have) called for a baking emergency. The amazing Kylie next door has in fact met me at the letterbox armed with cocoa one late night. That said, I still like to avoid such emergencies (and yes, I do know that baking is not life or death stuff). 

As you can see from the above, you'll need
  • 180g butter (yes, this seems a random number but it's what I had left today in my fridge so what I used and therefore what the other quantities are based upon).
  • 2/3 cup caster sugar (for the Americans, this is very fine) 
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 cup very firmly packed brown sugar 
  • 2 eggs  *
  • 2 cups of plain flour
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1/2 cup coconut 
  • 1/2 cup oats 
  • 250g milk chocolate chips, or whichever take your fancy. 
* for so many reasons I use free range eggs. 

It's a pretty standard format and if you're familiar with cookie baking you'll know exactly what to do with the above. Firstly, cream the butter and sugars. Do this for AT LEAST five whole minutes. This is something I've come to learn is essential. A super fluffy, creamy start is the key to a good cookie. 

Now add the eggs and beat for another minute. Add the maple syrup at this point and leave mixing for a further two minutes (on high). By the way, you'll need an electric mixer or a whole lot of hand power if you don't have one. The former would be much easier. I use a kitchen aid, which along with the Magnolia Bakery Cookbook is the BEST gift I have ever received. 

It's now time for the flour, cinnamon, coconut, oats, baking powder and soda. At this point do not overly mix, just add and beat until combined. Finally, my favourite part of any cookie baking - add the choc chips.
Roll into balls and bake at 170 degrees for ten minutes. Slightly less for a very soft cookie. 

What you get should look as follows:

The pics below...
1) A serving suggestion. Ok, I did try this.. but only two bites. 
2) A cooking suggestion. Cooking with girls in princess dresses is very much a part of life in our household.

1 comment:

  1. Jen, I've been alerted to your blog - which is simply beautiful - through munching on your cookies at a recent play-date. I'm not a cookie person - until now ...
